The defense chief congratulated the Thai diplomat on his fulfillment of the tenure in Vietnam. He also highly praised him for his contribution to promoting the enhanced strategic partnership between Vietnam and Thailand.

Gen. Phan Van Giang (R) receives Ambassador Nikorndej Balankura.

Gen. Giang emphasized that over the past time both countries have paid due attention to and constantly strengthened bilateral defense ties in many fields. They have effectively maintained defense policy dialogue and consultation mechanisms, boosted exchange between arms and services, cooperation in training, navigation security and safety. In addition, they have supported each other at multilateral forums, particularly in the framework of the ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM) and ADMM Plus.

The Vietnamese defense chief presents a souvenir to the Thai diplomat.

The host expressed his belief that in his new positions, the Thai diplomat will always excellently complete all tasks and constantly foster the Vietnam-Thailand relations.

For his part, Ambassador Nikorndej Balankura expressed thanks to the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam for its support and close coordination during his tenure.

The host and guest and other delegates in a joint photo

The Thai diplomat laid stress on the important role of the defense cooperation in the overall relations between Vietnam and Thailand. He promised that in any positions, he will continue to exert utmost efforts to develop the two countries’ relationship.

Translated by Mai Huong