Major General Nguyen Hoang Nhien presents certificates to Cambodian officers.

During the one-month course, apart from studying contents related to historical theory and being equipped with methods and experience in conducting military history research, 25 Cambodian officers had field trips to museums and historical relics.

Speaking at the closing ceremony, Director of the Institute of Military History Major General Nguyen Hoang Nhien said that through the refresher course, participating officers had more valuable knowledge about military history. He added that the course also helped participants enhance their organization and management capability to make more contribution to the development of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces’ military history service.

The Institute of Military History’s head expected that the Cambodian officers will apply knowledge acquired at the course to performing their missions better. He also hoped that they will contribute to consolidating the relationship between the Vietnamese and Cambodian troops and people.

Translated by Tran Hoai