Speaking at the opening ceremony, Director of Department of Mass Mobilization Major General Ngo Thanh Hai emphasized that education and dissemination of the International Humanitarian Law is one of the duties of countries joining international treaty on this field.

Major General Ngo Thanh Hai speaking at the opening ceremony

Over the past years, the Vietnam People’s Army has well disseminated the significance, humane values, and noble targets of the International Humanitarian Law by launching the Law Day, law book shelves, and education activities; and organizing training courses on rules of war and treaties on humanitarian protection of victims of war for troops

According to General Hai, functional agencies of the Ministry of National Defense have cooperated with the ICRC in Asia-Pacific and Southeast Asia and the Central Committee of the Vietnam Red Cross Society to organize refresher courses for officers in the whole military and instructors of schools, academies, and forces to participating in U.N. peacekeeping operations. The Vietnamese military has sent officers to courses and seminars on the International Humanitarian Law hosted by ICRC.

An overview of the event

During this two-day event, Lloyd Gillett, a senior expert on the armed forces from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Bangkok (Thailand), equips trainees with information and knowledge related to military operation, commanding officers’ responsibilities, the role of legal advisors and new technologies, International Humanitarian Law, means and methods of war.

Delegates in a joint photo at the event

The senior expert said that in peacetime, countries’ mission is widely disseminating the International Humanitarian Law to enhance the awareness among the armed forces and the public. A comprehensive understanding of these rules is essential to minimize losses and protect those who are not or are no longer participating in hostilities.

He affirmed that ICRC highly appreciated Vietnam’s efforts and thanked the Vietnam People’s Army for supporting and actively cooperating with ICRC over the past years.

Translated by Tran Hoai