
Representative of Flotilla 32 hands over gifts to fishermen in Ninh Diem ward. (Photo: canhsatbien.vn)

During the program, orators from the Coast Guard Region 3 Command provided local officials, people, youths, students, owners of fishing vessels with situations in the East Sea (South China Sea); the position, role, and importance of Vietnam’s sea and islands in the national construction and defense cause; the Party and State’s guidelines, viewpoints, consistent policies on Vietnam’s sovereignty over the Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagos. Basic contents of the Vietnam Law of the Sea, the Vietnam Coast Guard Law, and the Law on Drug Prevention and Control; legal regulations on the fight against illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing were also disseminated.

On the occasion, Flotilla 32 and participating units presented 300 gifts, worth VND 1 million each, to needy fishermen and households.

Translated by Mai Huong