At the event, local officials, people and students were equipped with knowledge on the current situation in the East Sea (South China Sea); important role and position of national sea and islands in the Fatherland construction and defense cause; the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982, the Vietnam Law of the Sea, the Law on Vietnam Coast Guard, the Law on drug prevention and fight; and illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing prevention work.

Senior Colonel Tran Van Hau, Political Commissar of the Coast Guard Region 1 Command, disseminating information about security situation at sea and on islands 

In the framework of the program, an array of activities was organized, such as introducing the Vietnam Coast Guard and the situation of the national sea and islands, offering incense at a the war cemetery in Thuy Xuan commune, launching a competition “I love national sea and islands,” inquiring after heroic Vietnamese mothers, and presenting gifts to local poor fishermen and students with good academic records.

Presenting gift to a heroic Vietnamese mother in the locality

In his speech, Senior Colonel Tran Van Nam, Political Commissar of Flotilla 11, underlined that the program showed the care and responsibility of the Vietnam Coast Guard in general and the unit’s troops in particular towards implementing the gratitude work and supporting needy students to continue their study, making contribution to tightening the military-civilian ties.

Translated by Chung Anh