In a solemn atmosphere, the delegation observed a minute’s silence in tribute to President Ho Chi Minh.

President Ho Chi Minh’s monument was inaugurated on May 18, 1990 on the occasion of his 100th birthday anniversary. This is one of the largest and most impressive constructions about the President in Russia, a symbol of friendship between the two peoples, two countries, and the pride of Vietnamese people living, studying, and working in Russia.

General Phan Van Giang and the delegation lay a wreath at President Ho Chi Minh’s monument.

General Giang and the Vietnamese delegation then visited the building where President Ho Chi Minh worked from 1923 to 1924 in Moscow.

During the Vietnamese delegation’s visit to the Vietnamese Embassy in Russia, Vietnamese Ambassador to Russia Dang Minh Khoi briefed them on the socio-economic situation in the host country, as well as the living conditions of Vietnamese expats in Russia, and the task performance of the embassy over the past time.

Delegates posing for a joint photo at President Ho Chi Minh’s monument

Addressing the meeting, General Giang hailed the contribution of the embassy in boosting Vietnam - Russia relations, and thanked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in general, Vietnamese Embassy in Russia in particular, for their close coordination in enhancing and promoting the bilateral defense cooperation.

General Phan Van Giang and the delegation meet with staff of the Vietnamese Embassy to Russia.

Regrading the visit to Russia, General Giang underscored that on the basis of the sound traditional friendship, the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries, the Vietnam - Russia defense cooperation has developed in all important fields. The Defense Minister hoped that the embassy would make further contribution to the bilateral defense cooperation, while hoping that the embassy’s staff would overcome difficulties to fulfill assigned tasks, contributing to bolstering the bilateral relations.

Reported by Thu Trang from Moscow

Translated by Minh Anh