At the reception, Gen. Binh spoke highly of the effective and substantive cooperation between the National Defense Academy of Vietnam and its Lao counterpart over the past time, especially in the COVID-19 fight.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Trong Binh (right) and Major General Keosouvan Inthvongsa at the reception

Also, he underlined that personnel training is always a strategic and long-term issue in bilateral defense cooperation between Vietnam and Laos.

In the coming time, Gen. Binh asked the two academies to maintain close coordination to effectively carry out cooperation activities, focus on delegation exchange, improve training quality, and more.

For the Lao part, Major General Keosouvan Inthvongsa sent his thanks to Vietnam’s Ministry of National Defense for creating favorable conditions for the cooperation between the Kaysone Phomvihane Defense Academy and Vietnam’s National Defense Academy.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Trong Binh presents a souvenir to Major General Keosouvan Inthvongsa.

On the occasion, he informed the host about the results of his previous meeting with the Vietnamese National Defense Academy, stressing that the two sides will further strengthen close coordination, contributing to consolidating the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two parties, states, militaries, and peoples.

Translated by Quynh Oanh