Lieutenant General Viktor I. Filippov, 85, recalled that from March to November 1972, he and ten Soviet military experts helped Rocket Regiment No.263 of the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA) improve its fighting capacity.

He also lauded the VPA’s fighting experience and thanked it for sharing this with the Soviet Union.

Vietnamese and Russian soldiers

Colonel Anatoly Nazarov, Vice Chairman of the St. Petersburg chapter of the Inter-regional Public Organisation of Veterans of the Vietnam War (MOOVVV), who was awarded the Soviet Union’s Order of the Red Star and Vietnam’s Friendship Order, also recalled the sentiments the Vietnamese people expressed towards Soviet experts during the war against U.S.

Chairman of the St. Petersburg chapter of MOOVVV Colonel Aleksey Skreblyukov said he considers Vietnam his second homeland, adding that its victory was firstly the result of sound leadership by the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh.

Returning to Vietnam from 2014 to 2015, the Colonel said he was delighted to see positive changes in the country and even more so in now hearing that Vietnam has recorded no new COVID-19 case for a second week.

All Soviet military experts who served in Vietnam, he said, consider it their second homeland.

Source: VNA