To achieve this great victory, which helped wrest back independence and freedom for the nation and reunify the country, the whole nation fought persistently with  firm determination, braving all difficulties and hardships, having made numerous sacrifices for over 30 years.

In early March 1975, under the Party’s leadership, the military and people actively carried out a general offensive and uprising across the South, with a series of key and decisive campaigns, such as Tay Nguyen, Hue-Da Nang, and finally the historic Ho Chi Minh Campaign.

Photo for illustration

Within 55 days and nights of the general offensive and uprising, at the speed of “twenty years in one day”, and with preeminent power in both military and politics, our armed forces and people destroyed all of the amassed giant and modern military systems of the U.S.-backed Saigon administration with the forces consisting of up to 1.1 million troops, including four regular army corps, six air force divisions, and dozens of artillery and naval regiments and brigades.

The April 30, 1975 Victory resulted from the combined strength of the national great unity bloc in close attachment to the power of the era under the sound leadership of the Party. It also resulted from the traditional patriotism, the aspiration for national independence, freedom, peace and unification of all Vietnamese people and the precious support from comrades, friends, and progressive people worldwide. Therefore, the Victory was of great significance both to history and to the era, manifesting the substance and strong will of the Vietnamese people who always know how to inherit and bring into full play the tradition of nation building and protection of the former generations, who never yielded to any invaders and aggressors.

The April 30, 1975 Victory has created a firm foundation for peace, independence and unification for the nation to build socialism and successfully pursue the cause of national construction and protection.

The historical stature and lessons from the Victory have been the driving force for the Party, people and military to continue applying them to the cause of national construction and defense.

Inheriting the great fruits of Vietnam’s revolution and the April 30, 1975 Victory that former generations spared no effort, knowledge, sweat, even their blood and flesh to achieve, the whole Party, military and people are duty-bound to develop the national socio-economy, strengthen the military-defense affairs, improve the nation’s status as well as people’s living standards.

The lessons drawn from the great victory proved that we must keep on bringing into full play the internal strengths of national patriotism, revolutionary heroism, and the spirit of national great unity.

Besides, it is necessary to boost unity and solidarity inside the Party and within the people on the basis of the revolution’s goals and tasks, concentrate on realizing victoriously the resolution of the 12th National Party Congress and other central resolutions while enhancing the Party building and revamping in line with the resolution adopted at the fourth meeting of the 11th and 12th National Party Congresses in combination with the implementation of the Politburo’s Directive No.5 on studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morals and lifestyle.

Moreover, the Party’s leadership capability and combat strength should be improved together with the enhanced efficiency of State organizations, management and control, raised responsibilities of cadres, Party members and people from all walks of life, strong combat against manifestations of bureaucracy, corruption, degradation, negative manifestations and social evils while resolutely foiling any plots, tricks, and “peaceful evolution” activities in an attempt to distort and deny the Vietnam’s Revolution’s fruits and to besmear the Party and State. All of these contribute to the national stability and development in the context that Vietnam is augmenting international integration activities in an intensive manner.

The Vietnam People's Army, born from the idea of the people fighting for the people, has outstandingly accomplished its role as a key force to achieve the April 30, 1975 Victory.

Today, the Vietnam People's Army has been constantly built into a revolutionary, regular, elite and gradually modern military with some forces going directly to modernization.

With their heroic traditions, a good number of brilliant feats-of-arms achieved, and precious experiences gained during its construction, combat and development as well as the application of the historic lessons from the Victory, the military continues confirming its mettle and power in combat readiness and combat missions and joins efforts with the whole Party and people to firmly defend socialism in Vietnam.

Moreover, with the virtues and traditions of Uncle Ho’s soldiers, troops have always united with one another and strengthened close ties with local people, supporting them and relying on them to build a strong military.

Recalling this great Victory, we are grateful to the Party, beloved Uncle Ho and the sacrifice of fallen soldiers and other national contributors for the nation. We should better the policies and gratitude activities for the families of troops and revolutionary contributors, so that the great values of the April 30, 1975 Victory could be preserved and brought into full play forever in the new conditions.

Forty three years have passed, but the April 30, 1975 Victory remains fresh and brilliant forever thanks to its valuable significance and lessons. It remains the driving force for the whole Party, people and military in the cause of national construction and defense, for the goal of an enriched people and a strong nation with democracy, equality and civilization.

Written by the Editorial Board

Translated by Mai Huong