Established in 2016, so far, the association has set up 44 chapters at the regional, provincial, city, district and town levels; army corps, divisions, brigades, and regiments.

Delegates at the get-together

Over the past eight years, the association has attached much importance to education and dissemination among war veterans to preserve and promote the good virtues of Uncle Ho’s soldiers. Hence, they will follow the Party’s guidelines and policies, State’s laws, and local regulations.

Delegates in a joint photo

Notably, the association has mobilized all members to join hands to build bridges, roads; upgrade classrooms and schools; equip new school tools; present warm clothes to needy students, among others, worth totally nearly VND 20 billion.

In the coming time, the association will promote solidarity and educate all members to set good examples during their daily lives, and actively join gratitude activities.

Translated by Chung Anh