The exhibition is among activities in celebration of the 110th birth anniversary (March 17, 1913 - 2023) of General Chu Huy Man - former Politburo member, former Deputy Head of the State Council (Vice State President), and former Director of the General Department of Political Affairs (GDP) of the Vietnam People’s Army.

Delegates cutting ribbon to launch the exhibition 

Lieutenant General Trinh Van Quyet, GDP Deputy Director, representatives from the Lao Embassy, General Chu Huy Man’s family and military agencies attended the event.

Addressing the opening ceremony, Colonel Le Vu Huy, Director of the Vietnam Military History Museum, highlighted the aim of the exhibition to honor General Chu Huy Man’s great contribution to the national salvation, reunification, construction and protection cause, thus helping encourage troops and people, especially youths to further study, work, dedicate strength and wisdom to the current national building and defense cause.

Colonel Le Vu Huy, Director of the Vietnam Military History Museum speaking at the event

Ms. Chu Minh Ha, the general’s daughter spoke highly of the exhibition to make clear her father’s steadfastness, loyalty, and fight for national independence, socialism and for people’s happiness as well as his talent as an excellent strategist and outstanding commanding officer of the military.

On display are nearly 200 photos, documents and exhibits collected by museums of military regions and military library where General Chu Huy Man was closely attached to.

Delegates touring the exhibition 

Among the showcased objects, there are many keepsakes introduced for the first time, including the shirt he wore as the Political Commissar and Commander of Military Region 5 at Region 5 theater; a letter Major General Chu Huy Man wrote to encourage Regiment 2 of Division 2 of Military Region 5 to complete combat duties in Tra Bong, Quang Ngai on December 5, 1969; the hoe blade the major general used for production enhancement in Tra My base, Quang Nam province in 1973; the order to promote him to the rank of general in 1980 and more.

The exhibition lasts until mid-June this year.

Translated by Mai Huong