PANO – The Central Military Commission and Geenral Department of Politics offered incense to General Chu Huy Man on March 17th on the occasion of General Chu Huy Man’s 100th birthday (March 17th, 1913 – March 17th, 2003) at the General’s grave in Mai Dich cemetery.

Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Member of the Standing Committee of the Central Military Commission and Director of the General Department of Politics, Senior Lieutenant General Ngo Xuan Lich chaired the ceremony.

The event also drew a number of other high-ranking military and civilian figures, including Member of the Party Central Committee and Vice Director of the General Department of Politics, Lieutenant General Luong Cuong; Vice Director of the General Department of Politics, Major General Nguyen Trong Nghia; representatives of agencies under the General Department of Politics and Nghe An province; and families of the late General.

The delegation offered flowers and incense at the Fatherland Recognizing Monument in the cemetery and at the General’s grave.

Addressing the ceremony, Major General Nguyen Trong Nghia said that in that occasion, officers and soldiers of the Army and General Department of politics would like to express respect and gratitude to General Chu Huy Man, a great leader of the Party, State and a talented General of the Army, had made great contribution to the national final victory over foreign invaders.

He also said that officers and soldiers of the General Department of Politics would try their best to learn and follow the General, devoting all their lives, continuously training military skills, improving moral virtues, being ready to sacrifice themselves for the revolutionary ideal and continuing the General’s revolutionary cause in the new period.

Translated by Thu Nguyen