The exhibition is jointly organized by the Ho Chi Minh Museum’s branch in Military Region 5 (MR5) and MR5 Museum. It is among activities in celebration of the 110th birthday of General Chu Huy Man (March 17, 1913-2023).

Delegates cut the ribbon to launch the exhibition.

Major General Vo Van Hung, Political Director of Military Region 5, attended the event.

Delegates attend the event.

Accordingly, the exhibition consists of two parts featuring nearly 200 photos, documents, and exhibits about the sentiment and special love of President Ho Chi Minh and leaders of the Party, State and military toward General Chu Huy Man.

Students tour the exhibition.

Speaking at the ceremony, Lieutenant Colonel Than Ngoc Hue, Director of MR5’s Museum, shared that the exhibition aimed to honor General Chu Huy Man’s great contribution to the national salvation, reunification, construction and protection cause, thus helping encourage officers, soldiers, and people, especially youngsters, to further study, work, dedicate strength and wisdom to the current national building and defense cause.

The exhibition will run until April 30, 2023.

Translated by Quynh Oanh