The victory was a testament to the strength and the unique, creative feature of the people's warfare of Vietnam; the strategic vision of the Politburo and President Ho Chi Minh; and the initiative and creativity of the Central Military Commission and the General Staff, directly the Party Committee and the Command of Dien Bien Phu campaign. It also demonstrated wisdom and brave fighting spirit of the Vietnam People’s Army and people. Seventy years have passed; however, the historic Dien Bien Phu Victory remains a source of great encouragement for the national construction and development.

Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army and Deputy Minister of National Defense Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong (Photo: VNA)

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory, Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army and Deputy Minister of National Defense Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong granted an interview to the press.

Answering the question about the stature, significance and lessons drawn from the Dien Bien Phu Victory in connection with the national construction and development nowadays, Sr. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Tan Cuong said that seventy years ago, our troops and people made the Dien Bien Phu Victory, contributing to ending the resistance war against the French colonialists. The victory was recorded in the national history as a Bach Dang, Chi Lang or Dong Da battle in the 20th century, and in the world’s history as a glorious feat-of-arms that annihilated the stronghold of the colonial system of the imperialists and encouraged people in colonies around the world to fight for independence and freedom.

It was the victory of the strength of “the whole nation fights against the enemy” under the sound and clear-sighted leadership of the Party, headed by President Ho Chi Minh. The Dien Bien Phu victory has become a symbol of revolutionary heroism, and represented the country’s intelligence, bravery, and indomitable will for national independence and freedom.

Seventy years has gone by, however, the stature, significance and lessons learnt from the Dien Bien Phu Victory remains valid, being a great source of encouragement for the whole nation in the current national construction and development. Those are the lessons on the strategy; the strength of the great national solidarity and international solidarity; the building of the political and armed forces; military art and science; political and ideological, consultation, logistics and communication work; the collaboration among agencies and units and between the rear and the front, among others.

Regarding preparations for the ceremony to mark the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory, the GS chief shared that under the direction of the Party Central Committee's Secretariat and the Central Steering Committee for celebration of major events in the 2023-2025 period, the Ministry of National Defense (MND) has coordinated with Dien Bien province and relevant ministries and sectors to implement assigned missions in an urgent and comprehensive manner.

Particularly, the MND has worked closely with the Ministry of Public Security and Dien Bien province to conduct training activities for the forces participating in the parade in celebration of the victory and promoted dissemination and education work, as well as emulation, sports and cultural activities via various forms in the whole military and stationed areas. Also, the MND has directed the organization of political events, talks and scientific conferences on the victory.

Attentively, the MND, the Party Central Committee's Commission for Information and Education, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, and Dien Bien province, jointly held a national-level seminar titled “Dien Bien Phu Victory and the Construction and Protection of the Socialist Vietnam,” on April 11 in Dien Bien Phu city.

The MND has required agencies and units to carry out mass mobilization and gratitude activities. In detail, the MND has supported the construction of the Dien Bien Primary and Secondary School in Thanh Xuong commune, Dien Bien district and 300 houses in the locality, while teaming up with the Vietnam Veterans’ Association to fully prepare for the meeting of leaders of the Party and State and representatives of war veterans and former volunteer soldiers who participated in the resistance war against the French colonialists in Hanoi. The ministry has also coordinated with the Ministry of Public Security to ensure security and safety for activities in celebration of the event.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Tan Cuong expressed his belief that activities to mark the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory will be organized successfully.

Talking out the message that the MND wants to spread through the ceremony, Gen. Cuong underlined that the event is an occasion for the Party, military and people to recall on the country’s glorious traditions in the struggle for national independence and reunification. Through the ceremony, the MND would like to deliver four messages to the whole people.

First and foremost, we should place absolute trust in the Party’s revolutionary path and guidelines for national construction and development, as well as the power of the Vietnamese people. 

Second, we should uphold the spirit of patriotism and great national unity following President Ho Chi Minh’s saying “Unity, unity, great unity. Success, success, great success.”

Third, we should keep up high determination and aspiration for national independence associated with socialism, and have strong confidence in the Vietnamese people’s wisdom and military art for a powerful, prosperous and happy Vietnam.

Last, we should uphold the noble international spirit; combine national power with the power of the era to build, develop and safeguard the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Source: VNA

Translated by Quynh Oanh