Positive changes in localities of Tan Phu Dong district of Tien Giang province partly come from the efforts of Captain Bui Ngoc Bao, Deputy Head of the Mass Mobilization Team of Phu Tan Border Post.

Undertaking the role as Deputy Head of the People Mobilization Team in October 2020, Capt. Bao was assigned to give advice to the unit to coordinate with the Party Committees, People's Committees of Phu Tan and Phu Dong communes of Tan Phu Dong district, departments, organizations, and forces to strengthen mass movements in coupled with building a strong whole-people's border guard posture.

Capt. Bui Ngoc Bao presents gifts to locals who are affected by drought. 

According to Capt. Ngoc, dissemination is one of the most important steps in stabilizing the local situation. By grasping local people’s thoughts and aspiration, mass mobilization staff like him will propose suitable solutions to the units and localities to strengthening the movement of encouraging the mass’ participation in territorial sovereignty safeguarding, national border security maintenance, economic development, and improvement of people's living standards.

Evaluating Capt. Ngoc’s task performance, Deputy Political Commissar of Phu Tan Border Post Major Nguyen Huynh Danh said that thanks to his thorough grasping of localities’ guidelines and understanding of local people’s situation, Ngoc has made recommendation to the unit to effectively carry out mass mobilization work. In addition, Bao also advised the localities to facilitate the building of socio-economic development models and programs and organization of activities in support to policy families and needy households in Phu Tan and Phu Dong communes. 

Vice Chairwoman of the Fatherland Front Committee of Phu Tan Commune Nguyen Thi My Hanh said that thanks to the enthusiasm, Capt. Bao has pro-actively worked with the Fatherland front committees of the two communes to call on individuals and organizations to provide material support for locals.

In realizing models in support of those in difficult circumstances, the young officer and medical staff of the communes have also visited, provided health examination, and presented gifts to elderly people and needy households.

Phan Thanh Tin in Phao Hai hamlet is one of the people who have received support from Capt. Bao. Tin recalled that Bao and his comrades have assisted his family in harvesting crops and presented gifts on special occasions. Particularly, during droughts and saline intrusion, the young officer and his comrades braved harsh weather to transport water to his family.

Thanks to Bao’s advice, from 2020 until now, Phu Tan Border Post has sent troops to collaborate with local departments and organizations to build new-style rural areas, clean the environment, and plant trees. He has been active in mobilizing locals to apply technologies to farming, contributing to expanding economic development models.

Capt. Bui Ngoc Bao (left) and his comrades disseminate fishing regulations and present national flags to fishermen. 

Thanks to his suggestion, youth movements have been effectively carried out, thus encouraging troops to study to enhance their competence to meet higher requirements of managing and protecting border areas.

Talking about measures to enhance mass mobilization work to contribute to building a strong whole people’s border defense, Capt. Bao said that apart from grasping locals’ thoughts and aspiration and building relationship with local party committees, authorities, departments, organizations, and people, it is necessary to renew dissemination methods and have new practical models.

Source: bienphong.com.vn

Translated by Tran Hoai