On this occasion, the unit presented 129 national flags, 34 portraits of Uncle Ho, nearly 2.000 leaflets, and disseminated information about maritime border security and some legal documents about IUU fishing and the Law on National Border; Law on the Sea of Vietnam 2012; Law on Vietnam Border Guard; United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1982 (UNCLOS 1982), among others, to 85 vehicles and 928 fishermen.

Presenting national flags to the fishermen

They also provided information about Prime Minister’s Dispatch No.732/CD-TTg, issued on May 28, 2017, and Directive No.45/CT-TTg, issued on December 13, 2017, among others.

At the same time, the flotilla also mobilized the fishermen to operate at sea and pledge not to enter other countries’ fishing waters, while accelerating the implementation of IUU fishing prevention and law observance at sea.

The program aimed to raise fishermen’s awareness of the State’s law observance, contributing to building the firm all people’s border defense.

Translated by Minh Anh