Reportedly, last year, Thua Thien Hue province victoriously completed all its important duties in all spheres. Especially, its socio-economic development targets were achieved and surpassed. The province’s gross regional domestic product (GRDP) reached 8.56%, the highest in recent years.

General Luong Cuong speaks at the meeting with the provincial authority.

Now the province is directing the acceleration of the implementation of the project on establishing a centrally-run city on the basis of the administrative boundaries of Thua Thien Hue province.

In the field of military and defense, the provincial Party and People's Committees have regularly led and directed the building of the all-people’s defense disposition coupled with the people's security posture and all people’s border disposition.

Especially, in this lunar New Year (Tet) 2023 holiday, the province has directed its units and localities to boost close coordination to ensure political security, social order and safety, armed forces’ units to actively adjust plans and rehearse combat readiness scenarios.

The province has also promoted social welfare activities, presented gifts to local policy beneficiaries, poor households, disadvantaged students with good academic records, and needy troops.

On behalf the Party, State, Central Military Commission, Ministry of National Defense, and GDP, General Luong Cuong congratulated the province’s Party Committee, authorities, people, and armed forces on their attainments last year. He extended New Year greetings to them.

Regarding the major tasks this year, General Luong Cuong emphasized that 2023 is a pivotal year to realize resolutions adopted at the 13th National Party Congress, and the 16th Party Congress of Thua Thien Hue provincial Party Organization. He asked the province to focus on victoriously actualizing the Politburo’s Resolution No.54 issued on December 10, 2019 and the Government’s Resolution No.83 issued on May 27, 2022 on building and developing Thua Thien Hue province by 2030 with a vision to 2045.

He also noted the strict embracement of higher levels’ directives on ensuring a cozy, healthy, economical and safe Tet holiday for all.

On the occasion, General Luong Cuong and representatives of the Military Region 4 Command, Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee presented Tet gifts to the provincial Military Command, Public Security, Border Guard Command, and War Veterans’ Association, local policy beneficiary families, national contributors, poor households, disadvantaged workers and laborers.

General Luong Cuong (center) presents gifts to the Thua Thiên Hue provincial Military Command, Public Security, Border Guard Command, and War Veterans’ Association.
General Luong Cuong presents gifts to policy beneficiaries.

In the afternoon the same day, General Luong Cuong visited General Nguyen Chi Thanh Museum at 144 Dang Thai Than street, Thuan Hoa ward, Hue city.

Translated by Mai Huong