September 08, 2016 | 07:28 (GMT+7)
VNH South's helicopter leaves for fire fighting mission in Indonesia
PANO - Southern Vietnam Helicopter Company (VNH South) sent its 2nd Mi-172, numbered VN-8428 from Vung Tau Airport to Sumatra, Indonesia on September 6...
PANO - Southern Vietnam Helicopter Company (VNH South) sent its 2nd Mi-172, numbered VN-8428 from Vung Tau Airport to Sumatra, Indonesia on September 6.
VNH South sent its helicopter to Indonesia |
According to the contract signed between VNH South and Komala Company, the Vietnamese company assigned two Mi-172s with pilots and technicians to firefighting mission in Indonesia. The first Mi-172 numbered VN-8427 reached Riau province on August 26 and participated in fighting forest fires in the area.
To ensure their service quality as required by the clients, VNH South has been training its troops for lifting cargo and fire-fighting missions for a long time. This is a new service of VNH South.
Translated by Trung Thanh