The congress organized by the Hanoi Capital Command saw the presence of Politburo member, Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Bui Thi Minh Hoai and Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army Senior Lieutenant General Phung Si Tan.

Senior Lieutenant General Phung Si Tan speaks at the congress of the Hanoi Capital Command.

Over the past years, the Party Committee and Chain-of-Command of the Hanoi Capital Command have paid due attention to education and information dissemination about the position, role, goals, principles and importance of the emulation and reward work among its officers, soldiers, militia and self-defense troops; renovating and developing the “Determined-to-win” emulation movements in both scope and scale, contributing to nurturing and perfecting the personality of revolutionary soldiers and the cultural beauty of the capital's troops.

An overview of the “Determined-to-win” emulation congress of the Hanoi Capital Command

Gen Tan praised and congratulated the capital’s armed forces and role models, particularly 83 rewarded groups and individuals, on their outstanding achievements in the past five-year emulation movement. He asked the unit to continue embracing the Party’s guidelines, the State’s policies and law, the Central Military Commission and Ministry of National Defense’s resolutions and directives; carrying out the education and dissemination work to promote troops’ pro-activeness and self-discipline in emulation.

* In the 2019-2024 period, the General Department of Defense Industry’s chains-of-command have well directed the implementation of emulation and reward work and “Determined-to-win” emulation movement, contributing to the unit’s comprehensive fulfilment of tasks with some breakthroughs.

Deputy Defense Minister Sr. Lt. Gen. Pham Hoai Nam speaks at the event.

Notably, the general department has mobilized and effectively used investment resources to improve infrastructure, high-tech lines, and research and production capabilities. In addition, it made suggestions, contributing to the successful organization of the first Vietnam International Defense Expo in 2022, attracting over 170 enterprises from 30 countries. It has also promoted application of science and technology advances to reality.

In his speech, Deputy Defense Minister Sr. Lt. Gen. Pham Hoai Nam said that to develop the movement in an intensive and substantive manner, the unit should continue embracing higher levels’ guidelines and directions on emulation and reward work, focus on building strong and healthy Party committees and Party organizations and comprehensively-strong, exemplary and typical affiliated agencies and units.

Delegates attend the “Determined-to-win” emulation congress of the General Department of Defense Industry for the 2019-2024 period.

It should also build a contingent of cadres in the spirit of “Seven Dare's” and well implement “Five Determination's, Five Pro-activeness's” as directed by the late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

The defense leader asked the general department to well conduct the high-level emulation movement entitled “Proud of traditions - Gaining more achievements -Deserving to be Uncle Ho’s soldiers,” and celebrations of the 80th founding anniversary of the Vietnam People’s Army and the 35th anniversary of the Whole-People Defense Festive Day in the remaining time of the year.

Translated by Mai Huong