Last year, press agencies inside and outside the military actively renovated contents and forms in disseminating military and defense work, military building task, as well as external defense relations. The dissemination contents have been implemented in line with directives of the Central Military Commission, Ministry of National Defense (MND), and GDP.

Outstanding collectives and individuals honored at the event

It also reflected all activities of military units at grassroots levels, with the focus on training work, combat readiness, military discipline, external defense relations, the prevention and control of natural disasters, as well as poverty reduction.

Especially, press agencies in the military effectively carried out dissemination work in protecting the Party’s ideological foundation, fought the “peaceful evolution” strategy of hostile forces, and prevented the signs of “self-evolution” and “self-transformation,” among others.

Regarding tasks in 2023, each press agency should be active in building plans and dissemination contents. Meanwhile, military press agencies were requested to closely work with other press agencies outside the military to promote dissemination quality, with the focus on leadership and organization of military and defense work, military building task according to the Resolutions of the 13th National Party Congress and the 11th Military Party Congress.

Delegates during the event also agreed to enhance the State’s management towards press and publishing work, ensure accuracy and orientation in information dissemination on issues related to military and defense tasks as well as military building task, to name but a few.

On the occasion, 17 collectives received certificates of merit of the MND, while 31 groups and 31 individuals were presented with certificates of merit of the GDP for their outstanding performance in 2022. Especially, one collective and two individuals of the People’s Army Newspaper were awarded the certificates of merit of the MND and GDP, respectively.

Translated by Minh Anh