PANO - A Defense Ministry delegation, led by Major General Nguyen Duy Nguyen, Head of the Department of Civil Defense and Militia Forces under the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army, has inspected the defense and military task performance and the implementation of the Law on National Defense of Son La Province.

After their fact-finding trips in Mai Son and Muong La districts, working with local departments of Health, and Education and Training, the provincial Military Command and Border Guard Command, the delegation applauded the province’s Party committees, authorities at all levels and armed forces for seriously implementing the Party and the State’s instructions and resolutions, the Government’s decrees, and other higher levels’ instructions.

The delegation checking planning system of the Son La provincial Military Command

Meanwhile, local military commands at all levels well executed their defense and military tasks, and seriously observed the Defense Law; at the same time, they effectively played their roles in offering advice to local Party committees and authorities.

The provincial authorities also promptly issued policies and guidelines to appropriately harmonize socio-economic development and defense-security work in accordance with the Party’s and State’s guidelines and policies. The province promoted public education on national defense and security, and lawfully conducted recruitment and training for militia and reserve forces, contributing to building firm defensive areas and developing local socio-economy.

Speaking highly of the local authorities’ efforts, Major General Nguyen Duy Nguyen asked the province’s Party Committee and People’s Committee to continue grasping thoroughly and implementing higher levels’ instructions and directives, and the Central and Politburo resolutions on defense-military tasks, and the Law on National Defense.

The general also urged the province to strengthen the whole people’s defense posture in combination with the people’s security posture, and boost the socio-economic development while consolidating military and defense capabilities and building comprehensively strong armed forces to meet the requirements for national protection in the new context.

Translated by Thuy Dung