Although it was nearly high noon, troops and militiamen of Nam Can commune, Ky Son district were training hard to perfect skills and tactics in the “Militia platoon coordinates with Border Post of Nam Can International Border Gate to fight and defend the village" content. Under the command of head of the Military Command of Nam Can commune Lau Ba Tong, troops and militiamen took advantage of terrains and local conditions, flexibly applying combat maneuvers and skillfully using weaponry, equipment, and self-made weapons to fight the enemy to protect the village.

Militiamen of Ky Son commune, Tan Ky district practice skills to save drowning people.

Directing the training in Nam Can commune, Commanding Officer of the Military Command of Ky Son district Colonel Le Thanh Nhu said that Ky Son is a mountainous border district with a large area, mainly hills and mountains, so bad guys often use take advantages of that to conduct illegal activities. To pro-actively respond to and well handle situations and strictly maintain political security and social order, the district’s military command has also directed communes’ military commands to add training contents that are close to local conditions.

Incorporating close-to-reality contents into training has proved effective. At a recent training session on natural disaster prevention and control, militiamen in Ky Son commune, Tan Ky district well performed their skills and effectively responded to the scenario. According to the simulated scenario, due to the impact of a tropical depression, it rained heavily. Water from the upstream of the Con River caused a section of a dam in Phuong Minh hamlet to be at risk of being broken.   

Upon receiving the alerting signal, the mobile militia force of the commune, together with local people in the riverside area, quickly deployed available vehicles, equipment, and materials to reinforce the dam section. Under the command of Deputy Chairman of Ky Son commune People's Committee, the forces and local people fostered coordination and promptly reinforced the dam section, thus ensuring safety in all aspects.

After the training session, Hoang Viet Tu, a resident in Phuong Minh village, said that the training not only enhanced locals’ awareness and responsibility, but also helped raise their skills of responding to natural disaster situations in a timely and effective manner.

Reportedly, Nghe An province shares a nearly 470km-long border section with Laos. This Central locality often suffers from heavy consequences of natural disasters and forest fires every year. Well aware of the actual situation, the Nghe An provincial Military Command has led, directed, and guided localities and units to renew training contents to improve the quality of training and combat readiness capabilities; synchronously apply measures; pay attention to close-to-reality contents.

Accordingly, coastal and riverside localities such as Cua Lo town, Quynh Luu district, Dien Chau district have increased training on flood and storm prevention plans, search and rescue. Meanwhile, Ky Son, Que Phong, Tuong Duong districts have strengthened training on forest fire prevention. 

According to Second-in-Command and Chief of Staff of the Nghe An provincial Military Command Senior Colonel Dinh Bat Van, in the training program 2024, localities and units under the provincial armed forces have increased practical, field, and night training. During natural disaster response training, forest fire prevention, search and rescue, localities have selected areas where disasters often occur as training locations. At the same time, localities have mobilized cadres, party members and local people to participate in training sessions.

Translated by Tran Hoai