PANO – A delegation, led by General Phung Quang Thanh, Deputy Secretary of the Military Central Commission and Defence Minister, on March 14th visited the National Defence Academy. General Ngo Xuan Lich, Director of the General Department of Politics of the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA), also joined the event.

General Phung Quang Thanh addressing the working session

At the working session, Senior Lieutenant General Vo Tien Trung, Director of the Academy, reported on its performance in education and training work, and the defence and security knowledge updating mission for high-ranking officers of the VPA and the Party high-level organizations.
According to the report, the academy has succeeded in researching and developing defence, security and military strategies over the past years. On this occasion, General Trung also raised a number of recommendations, asking the Ministry of National Defence to help the academy fulfill its tasks effectively in the coming time.

Over the past five years, the academy has opened 92 courses for over 3,000 cadets and conducted and applied hundreds of subjects in various courses of different levels.

General Thanh highly appreciated the academy’s outcomes over the past time, especially in renovating and improving the training quality and required them to closely grasp and materialise the guidelines of the Party.

The academy should continuously promote their good results and renovate appropriate teaching methods, contributing to building up the strong Party committee and a comprehensively strong unit.

Translated by Hong Thanh