The conference connects difference localities and units. 

Themed “Commander-in-Chief, General Vo Nguyen Giap – a great talent, one of the legendary leaders of the revolutionary cause of Vietnam,” the conference was held via an online format connecting 15 localities, among them Hanoi and Quang Binh are two main places.

The organizing panel received more than 100 presentations from leaders and former leaders of the Party, the State, and the Vietnam People’s Army, leaders of the Defense Ministry of Lao People’s Democratic Republic, and representatives of localities, military units and agencies, etc.

General Phan Van Giang speaking at the conference at the Ministry of National Defense's Hall
Delegates at the conference at the Ministry of National Defense's Hall

General Phan Van Giang, Minister of National Defense, delivered an important speech at the event. Head of the Central Commission for Information and Education Nguyen Trong Nghia, addressed the opening ceremony of the event.

Delivering his speech at the conference in Hanoi, General Phan Van Giang affirmed that during his life-long revolutionary career, the Party, the State and Vietnam People’s Army (VPA) placed their trust in General Vo Nguyen Giap and appointed him to key positions. No matter where he was, what task he performed, Vo Nguyen Giap was one of the typical leaders of the Vietnamese revolution, a great talent of the VPA. He rendered outstanding services to Vietnam’s past struggle for national liberation and the process of founding, fighting and growing of the VPA, leaving important milestones in the history of Vietnam and the world.

Gen. Giang stressed that General Vo Nguyen Giap was a bright example of diligence, thrift, integrity, and selflessness, a great leader who had close relations with the people and soldiers. Therefore, he was praised as “The Big Brother of the Vietnam People’s Army,” “The General of the people,” “The Commander of Commanders,” and more. Especially, the international press hailed him as “The General of the national liberation movement.”

Head of the Central Commission for Information and Education Nguyen Trong Nghia speaking at the event in Quang Binh 

He added that the conference is part of major events to mark the 110th birthday anniversary of General Vo Nguyen Giap, and he hoped participants will discuss and express their opinions to highlight the life and revolutionary career of General Vo Nguyen Giap, contributing to commemorating his great dedication to the revolutionary cause of the Party and the people while arousing young generations’ patriotism and national pride and encouraging them to work and study hard to follow the bright example of General Vo Nguyen Giap.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the conference in Quang Binh, Nguyen Trong Nghia, Head of the Central Commission for Information and Education, briefed participants on the life and revolutionary career of General Vo Nguyen Giap.

He underlined that during his revolutionary career of more than 80 years, the general’s name attached to significant historical milestones featuring the development of the Vietnamese revolution. From a student, a journalist, a teacher, a revolutionist, comrade Vo Nguyen Giap became a prominent general, an outstanding military strategist, a brilliant Commander-in-Chief, a scholar and a talented warrior, and Vietnam’s leading military organizer in the Ho Chi Minh era.

At the event in Quang Binh

He said that the conference is one of the great meaningful celebrations of the country and the VPA in 2021. He hoped that the conference will promote the revolutionary tradition among Vietnamese soldiers and people, as well as increase patriotic spirit, love for socialism, and national pride among the youth, contributing to building a revolutionary, regular, elite, and gradually-modernized Vietnam People’s Army.

Translated by Quynh Oanh