The ceremony was chaired by Major General Nguyen Van Gau, Deputy Chief of the General Department of Political Affairs.

Major General Nguyen Van Gau and the delegation offer incense and flowers in tribute to President Ho Chi Minh.

Speaking at the ceremony, Senior Colonel Tran Viet Nang, Head of the Military Youth Advisory Board, reported that over the past five years, military youths have implemented emulation movements and programs launched by the Party, the State and the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Central Committee in an effective manner, contributing to fulfilling political tasks of agencies and units in the whole military.

Delegates participating in the tenth Military Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Congress visit President Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum.

Military youths have promoted their vanguard spirit and creativity in education and training work, combat readiness, discipline observance, scientific research, technology applications, production and business activities, and international duty performance, among others. Notably, thousands of scientific initiatives and projects by military youths have been applied to reality.

Major General Dinh Quoc Hung, Political Commissar of the President Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum Protection Command, presents Uncle Ho’s Badge to delegates.

The youths have always taken the lead in undertaking missions relating to the prevention and fight against crimes, the clearance of post-war bombs, mines, explosives, and chemicals, search and collection of martyrs’ remains, natural disaster prevention and climate change response, and environmental protection, to name but a few.

Meanwhile, they have actively participated in defense relations work, especially joining the U.N. peacekeeping operations, the Army Games, contributing to raising Vietnam and its military’s position and prestige in the international arena.

Senior Colonel Tran Viet Nang speaks at the ceremony.

In five years, many outstanding collectives and individuals have been awarded with emulation flags and merit certificates by higher levels. The whole military has had eight typical and seven promising youngsters of Vietnam, 50 outstanding and 93 promising youths in the military and others.

Translated by Quynh Oanh