The conference was chaired by Lt. Gen. Tran Duy Hung, Political Commissar of the General Department of Technical Services.

Over the past five years, the general department’s Party committees and chains-of-command at all levels have regularly directed the implementation of Directive 355 and achieved remarkable results, contributing to maintaining the political, ideological and cultural stance among their troops, and building strong Party organizations and comprehensive strong units.

Lt. Gen. Tran Duy Hung, Political Commissar of the General Department of Technical Services presenting certificates of merit to outstanding individuals and collectives

At the event, delegates gave opinions pointing out advantages and disadvantages during the implementation of Directive 355, and at the same time agreed that the units should promote the combined strength of all forces and organizations in conducting cultural activities and fighting harmful publications.

Delegates also noted that the units should enhance the role of Party members and other forces in building healthy lifestyle and cultural behaviors among troops and employees.

Speaking at the conference, General Hung affirmed that the cultural, literary and artistic activities are parts of the Party and political work in the military, contributing to building the general department’s strong Party organizations in terms of politics, ideology and structure.

Translated by Trung Thanh