As planned, the delegation will inspect and assess the task implementation at eight military schools, focusing on the leadership and direction of the grasping and implementation of resolutions, directives, and conclusions at all levels on social sciences and humanities education in military schools; the development and implementation of social sciences and humanities education programs and courses for training targets; the quality of teaching and learning social sciences and humanities subjects; building of a competent teaching staff; and the provision of facilities and other resources for social sciences and humanities teaching and learning.

Lt. Gen. Truong Thien To addresses the working session.

Addressing the working session, the GDP’s deputy chief acknowledged and praised the Department of Political Education and Information for pro-actively coordinating with other agencies to thoroughly prepare for the inspection. He requested the delegation to focus on inspecting the leadership work of the Party committees and teaching approaches; evaluating the quality of social sciences and humanities subjects at military schools. The inspection team should be thorough, objective, detailed to accurately evaluate the actual results of the inspected units.

A view of the event

Gen. To asked the inspection team to strictly follow the inspection plan; scientifically and flexibly combine the assessment of the situation with guidance and assistance for the units, particularly in areas with limitations or deficiencies.

Translated by Tran Hoai