At the event, Senior Colonel Pham Van Hung, Deputy Director of the Department of Political Affairs of the General Staff, underlined that the contest will make important contribution to creating and consolidating trust, solidarity and unity in the Party and political system, as well as reaching the consensus of the entire troops and people so that the Party, military and people could overcome all difficulties and obtain significant achievements in economic, political, cultural, social, defense and security fields.

Senior Colonel Pham Van Hung addressing the event

Col. Hung also required the party committees and chains-of-command of agencies and units to create favorable conditions for troops, party members and staff to participate in the contest while drawing up a plan and assigning specific missions to contestants.

Attentively, the entries should spread good models in agencies and units in protecting the Party's ideological foundation and fighting against wrongful and distorted views of reactionary forces.

An overview of the event

Reportedly, in the third edition of the contest, the General Staff received 61 entries via various forms, including printed and online journals and newspapers.

Translated by Quynh Oanh