Politburo member, Deputy Secretary of the Central Military Commission, Defense Minister General Phan Van Giang attended the event.

Delegates presenting flowers to artists at the event

Addressing the ceremony, on behalf of the General Department of Political Affairs (GDP) of the Vietnam People’s Army, Lieutenant General Trinh Van Quyet, the GDP deputy director and head of the steering board of the contest, underlined that the contest not only helped improve the quality of dissemination on political topics of the People’s Army Newspaper and other press agencies, but also connected and promoted talent and enthusiasm of experts, scientists, and journalists with high resolve in firmly protecting the Party’s ideological foundation.

According to the organizers, 643 entries from 38 press agencies nationwide participated in the second edition of the contest, an increase of 145 works and nine press agencies against the first one.

At the event, Defense Minister General Phan Van Giang and President of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council Nguyen Xuan Thang presented three first prizes to the winners. The organizers also awarded six second, nine third, and 12 consolation prizes to authors with the best writings.

Attentively, the work “The truth about Victory Day May 9 cannot be distorted” by Russian Ambassador to Vietnam Gennady Stepanovich Bezdetko won the prize for a foreign author with excellent entry.

The Political Theoretical Journal under the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, Military Region 2 Newspaper, and Bac Giang Newspaper were the top three press agencies with the most entries to the contest. They were presented with certificates of merit from the organizers.

Receiving the first prize, Prof., Dr. Hoang Chi Bao touchingly stressed that that was an unforgettable memory during his many years of researching, teaching and spreading President Ho Chi Minh's thought. “The award is a milestone marking my cognitive and emotional maturity, encouraging and motivating me to continue to further study Uncle Ho’s legacy to inspire all of us with trust in the Party, and beloved Uncle Ho," Mr. Bao said.

The professor spoke highly of the contest which was launched by prestigious People’s Army Newspaper, saying that the contest has created a great pervasive power in the military and society and been among the efforts to find a consensus voice of the entire Party and people in protecting the Party’s ideological foundation.

General Phan Van Giang (second from right) and President of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council Nguyen Xuan Thang (second from the left) present first prizes to the first winners. 

In the program, apart from awards presentation, participants watched reports on the contest and enjoyed art performances in praise of the Party, Uncle Ho, and love for the country performed by artists from the Military University of Culture and Arts and students from Ba Dinh district Culture, Information and Sports Center.

Also at the event, Major General Doan Xuan Bo, the PAN’s Editor-in-Chief, head of the contest’s organizing panel launched the third edition in the 2023-2024 period and hoped to see more high-quality entries from individuals and collectives.

Translated by Mai Huong