Reportedly, in 2022, the GS has requested its affiliated units to accomplish all defense and military tasks, make recommendations to the Central Military Commission (CMC), Ministry of National Defense (MND) so as to firmly protect national sovereignty over sea and islands.
Meanwhile, the unit also strictly implemented directives and resolutions of the Politburo, the CMC, the MND’s plans on the organization of the VPA in the 2021-2030 period and the following years. It also promoted training quality and administrative reform while developing e-government towards digital government in the MND.
In addition, the GS’s affiliated units strictly maintained troops’ observance of military disciplines, ensured technical and logistic services, implemented policies for the military and its rear, among others.
Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong addressing the event |
In 2023, Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong requested the GS’s affiliates to continue to conduct resolutions of all levels with a focus on defense and security work in 2023. They should strictly ensure combat readiness and grasp the situation so as to firmly protect national sovereignty over sea and islands. The GS affiliated units were also asked to carry out the MND’s plans about the VPA’s organization in 2021-2030 period and the following years, raise training quality in the 2023-2030 period and the following years, to name but a few.
An overview of the conference |
Moreover, functional units in the GS should make recommendations to higher levels to mobilize troops in response to natural disaster and search and rescue missions, among others.
Presenting emulation flags to outstanding groups |
Authorized by the State President, Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong presented the third-class Labor Order to Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Nghia, Deputy Chief of the GS for his great achievements in building and developing defense industry from 2011 to 2022. On the occasion, GS leaders also offered emulation flags to outstanding groups over the past time.
Translated by Minh Anh