After watching participating forces performing contents in the exercise, General Phan Van Giang praised troops’ pro-activeness and responsibility.

General Phan Van Giang speaks at the rehearsal.

The Defense Minister said that the results of the exercise will prove the power of the new corps, so Army Corps 12 and agencies and units should closely coordinate to continue the preparation to ensure the success of the event. He urged the corps to pay attention to education work to enhance troops’ unity spirit and responsibility; continue to practice contents.

The Defense Minister checks the corps’ preparation for the exercise.

General Giang requested agencies of the Ministry of National Defense to direct, guide, and support the corps to check the conditions of weapons and equipment; ensure smooth communication and adequate logistics and medical supplies.

Talking with participating troops, the Defense Minister asked them to heighten their determination and continue the preparation for the exercise; strictly observe regulations; successfully complete assigned missions.

General Giang presents gifts and encourages participating forces.

Army Corps 12 has been formed recently by merging Army Corps 1 and 2 and was tasked to conduct an exercise with the participation of different forces, large number of weapons and equipment. Although the workload is heavy, forces have overcome difficulties to make thorough preparation for the upcoming event.

Translated by Tran Hoai