Four technical teams and over 200 drivers from various military regions, services, and army corps have joined the parade training. They have been selected thanks to their political qualities, ethics, physical health, professionalism, and experience.

Lieutenant General Tran Minh Duc delivering a speech at the event
Delegates attending the gathering

They have overcome all difficulties, fulfilled their duties responsibly, and strictly adhered to discipline and regulations, contributing to ensuring good conditions for vehicles and technical equipment.

Lieutenant General Tran Minh Duc presenting gifts to representatives of the parade forces

Speaking at the meeting, Lieutenant General Tran Minh Duc praised the efforts of the parade-serving forces. The chief of the GDT requested the technical assurance teams to uphold their sense of responsibility, apply their own knowledge and experience to promptly handle any technical issues. The drivers should firmly grasp the plans and strictly follow the regulations when performing their duties. He also asked seven female officers of the GDT joining the parade to continue train hard with high levels of responsibility to fulfill their missions.

Translated by Song Anh