At the meeting, Gen. Gau emphasized the Party’s recognition of Gen. Ngan’s contribution and expressed his hope that with his wisdom and precious experience, Gen. Ngan will continue to contribute to the Party’s revolutionary cause, the Military Party Organization building, the development of the strong and healthy Party Organization of the GDP to excellently complete all assigned missions.

Gen. Gau and the GDP delegation congratulate Sr. Lt. Gen. Pham Thanh Ngan.
Sr. Lt. Gen. Pham Thanh Ngan talks with the GDP leader.

Delighted at the attention of the GDP’s leadership, Gen. Ngan wished officers, soldiers, Party members in the whole military in general and in the GDP in particular to continue to exert utmost efforts to study, practice, work, and promote the tradition of Uncle Ho’s soldiers in the new period as well as the exemplary and pioneering spirit of Party members and stand ready to undertake and complete all assignments.

Translated by Mai Huong