After the inspection, the delegation evaluated that the Party Committee and Chain-of-command of Division 365 directed and implemented the Party and political work in a synchronous, comprehensive and effective manner, requiring the division to continue to grasp and carry out the directives and resolutions of higher levels and closely follow the situation in all aspects to apply policies and measures to the work’s implementation to be close to reality.

Major General Vu Cong Hoa speaks at the event.

Meanwhile, the unit should strictly maintain Party and political work activities and focus on ideological education, the principle of democratic centralism; and pay more attention to building and consolidating solidarity and taking care of spiritual and material life of troops, contributing to building a politically-strong and comprehensively-strong, “typical and exemplary” unit.

* On the same day, Major General Nguyen Minh Long, Deputy Director of the Department of Organization, led a delegation to check the Party and political work in the first six months in the Quang Ngai provincial Military Command.

Major General Nguyen Minh Long chairs the working session.

The delegation praised the achievements obtained by the command in the Party and political work. Over the past time, the command has directed and implemented local military and defense and Party and political work in an effective and comprehensive manner, recording remarkable results.

In the time to come, the command should concentrate on building the whole-people national defense posture associated with the people’s security posture. The command’s affiliated agencies and units should make breakthroughs in raising the quality of the Party and political work, combat readiness and training work and exercises, while well carrying out policies for troops’ relatives and mass mobilization work to build a politically-strong unit and a firm posture of people’s hearts.

Translated by Song Anh