The Council’s director, Senior Lieutenant General Luong Cuong, member of the Secretariat of the Party Central Committee, permanent member of the Central Military Commission and Director of the General Department of Politics of the Vietnam People’s Army, chaired the meeting.

Accordingly, the 2018 emulation drives in the first six months were comprehensively implemented in the whole military under the sound direction of all-level leaderships, especially the drive “Military joining hands to build new-style rural areas” in the period of 2016-2020.

General Cuong chairing the working session

Speaking at the meeting, General Cuong acknowledged the achievements of all military units. Notably, the agencies and units thoroughly grasped and strictly carried out the Party’s guidelines, the State’s policies and law, and the political tasks in studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example, and the fourth Resolution of the 12th Party Central Committee on Party building and revamping as well as the movement "Promoting tradition, contributing talent, deserving to be Uncle Ho's soldiers.” The emulation movements have become a driving force for the whole military to fulfill all assigned political tasks and contributed to building a military strong in politics, ideology, ethics and organization.

In addition, the emulation movements also played an important role for troops to continue implementing three major strategic tasks of good training, firm combat readiness and proactively foiling the schemes of hostile forces, contributing to ensuring an environment of peace and stability for national construction and defense.

To well implement the tasks in the last six months of the year, the Council’s director asked all military units to thoroughly grasp the Party's the Central Military Commission's (CMC) and the MND’s directions, resolutions on carrying out the Party-political and defense relations work, as well as to learn from experience and overcome weaknesses and limitations.

Translated by Lam Anh