Lieutenant General Ho Quang Tuan, Chief of the General Department of Defense Industry, and other delegates from the ministry’s functional agencies attended the event.

Senior Lieutenant General Pham Hoai Nam chairs the event.

In his report, Senior Colonel Nguyen Thanh Bach, Director of Factory Z121 held that over the past time, the factory has completed all assigned missions, met all demands of contractors, maintained firework production and selling, ensured absolute safety at work, and applied the ISO 9001-2015 quality management system to all products.

The delegation touring the unit

Meanwhile, the factory’s Party committee and Chain-of-command have promptly taken care of their employees’ living standards, paid special attention to the implementation of democracy, and brought into play the important role of public organizations and trade union.

At the conference, the factory’s employees made several proposals to the delegation in order to help the factory further improve working conditions and living standards to its members.

Senior Lieutenant General Pham Hoai Nam highly valued the factory’s achievements over the past years, shared current difficulties with the factory’s employees, and urged the factory to continue to invest in human resources.

Delegates at the event

Besides, the factory was requested to boost technical initiatives, upgrade its infrastructure, join hands with other partners inside and outside the military to research, produce, and popularize meaningful products to the national economy and the military missions.

In addition, the factory should also build a healthy and strong party organization and an “exemplarily, typically” comprehensively strong unit; attach importance to ensuring policies, working conditions, and income for employees, and absolute safety at work.

On this occasion, the delegation handed over 11 gifts, worth VND 500 million, to needy employees of Factory Z121.

Translated by Minh Anh