The event was chaired by Senior Lieutenant General Le Huy Vinh, Deputy Defense Minister. Attending the conference was Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Nghia, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army.

Senior Lieutenant General Le Huy Vinh speaks at the event.

Speaking at the event, Senior Lieutenant General Le Huy Vinh affirmed that the General Department of Technical Services had provided effective and timely advice for the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense to produce strategic documents concerning military technical services. They also conducted whole-military training courses and contests related to the technical services. Therefore, the outcomes of the technical services in 2023 showed significant positive changes.

Considering the complex and unpredictable global and regional situations, which directly impacted the technical work, Senior Lieutenant General Le Huy Vinh emphasized the need for the General Department of Technical Services, as well as the leadership and command of agencies and units in the whole-military, to focus on ensuring high-quality weapons and synchronized technical equipment for combat readiness, training, exercises, and search and rescue missions.

An overview of the conference

Senior Lieutenant General Le Huy Vinh also urged the General Department of Technical Services and related agencies and units to ensure labor safety and hygiene. Furthermore, he highlighted the necessity of continuing scientific research tasks, actively promoting digital transformation in the technical sector, efficiently implementing military technical cooperation programs with partners, and enhancing the quality of technical training.

Translated by Trung Thanh