Present at the event were Deputy Chiefs of the GDP Senior Lieutenant General Trinh Van Quyet and Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Gau, and Deputy Chief of the VPA’s General Staff Lieutenant General Phung Si Tan.

On behalf of the GDP’s leaders, Gen. Gau presented a major report. Accordingly, in 2023, the Party and political work in the whole military was seriously conducted in line with units’ political missions and reality.

General Luong Cuong chairs the event.

Military units contributed to building on the comprehensively-strong Military Party Organization in terms of politics, thoughts, organization, and morality; thoroughly grasped and actively carried out resolutions and guidelines of the Party, especially those relevant to the military’s current situation.

General Luong Cuong and delegates at the event

They actively disseminated information and oriented public's opinion in order to promote unity among military troops, firmly protected the Party's ideological foundation and fought wrongful and hostile viewpoints, and promptly strengthened inspection and supervision to deal with any limitations and weaknesses.

Deputy Chief of the GDP Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Gau speaks at the event.

At the same time, the military effectively rolled out the higher levels’ regulations on personnel organization, paid due attention to raising troops’ competence, joined hands with ministries and relevant agencies in task performance, and ensured political orientation in implementing defense external affairs.

Moreover, units also implemented the Party and political work during implementing assigned tasks, particularly in training, combat readiness maintenance, exercise organization; actively participated in search and rescue operations and responded to epidemics.  Notably, troops in the whole military maintained solidarity; remained absolutely loyal to the Fatherland, the Party, the State and the people; and successfully completed all assigned tasks in any circumstances, beautifying the image of Uncle Ho’s soldiers in the current context.

An overview of the conference

At the conference, delegates focused on discussing results and pointing out shortcomings and current challenges during conducting the Party and political work in 2023, as well as proposed measures to contribute to raising the results of this field’s performance in the time to come.

Translated by Minh Anh