General Giang welcomed at the People’s Army Cinema

On behalf of the cinema’s cadres, employees and soldiers, Senior Colonel Pham Tien Cuong, the unit’s director, reported that founded on August 17, 1960 and experiencing four development stages, the unit has become a professional film-making unit. Over the past 62 years of construction, combat, and development, the cinema has made more than 1,400 films, filmed and stored tens of thousands of documentaries with great historical values. The unit also has 38 martyrs and various wounded and sick soldiers.

To date, the People’s Army Cinema has had five people’s artists, 32 eminent artists, six state awardees in terms of literature and arts. Apart from 15 international awards, the cinema’s products have also been presented with a number of domestic awards, such as Golden Lotus, Silver Lotus, Golden Kite, Silver Kite, national press awards, among others.

General Giang visits the unit’s hall of fame.

In recognition of its great contribution, the unit has been honored with the title “Hero of the People’s Armed Forces” in 1990, and other noble orders.

Notably, this year, the unit has been actively surmounting difficulties, promoting heroic traditions, implementing and well performing its political tasks. It has been determined to achieve the film-making goals approved by the leader of the General Department of Political Affairs.

The defense minister and his entourage at the documentary archive room

Acknowledging and hailing the People’s Army Cinema for its outcomes, General Giang emphasized that the unit has a glorious history with sacrifice of generations of its cadres and soldiers. With its outstanding attainments, the unit has been awarded with numerous noble titles and rewards by the Party, State, and military.

The defense minister said that without historical footage, younger generations would not understand the cruelty of war and great contribution and sacrifice of their older generations. Therefore, the People’s Army Cinema has clearly shown and taken the great responsibility and role of those who film the glorious history of the nation.

General Giang addresses the working session.

Touched as visiting the unit’s hall of fame and watching a film about the great sacrifice of generations of units’ staff, General Giang hoped that the unit’s personnel will learn from their predecessors, continue to record the history, show honor and pride of enjoying peace, and responsibility for national construction and protection.

The defense chief urged the cinema to get higher results in political task performance, produce more attractive films about Uncle Ho’s soldiers and the people’s heart disposition.

He also requested the unit’s staff to stay solidarity, strive to fulfill all assigned missions and to develop an elite, compact, modern unit and a strong and health Party organization.

The People’s Army Cinema presents a copy of its film “The Chosen Path” to General Phan Van Giang.

Before working with the cinema, General Giang visited the cinema’s hall of fame, write on its memorial book, drop in the unit’s martyrs’ memorial stele, some of its divisions, and documentary archives.

Translated by Mai Huong