Over the past period, the Standing Boards of the Party Committees of the four provinces have proactively and resolutely implemented Resolution No.18, dated October 25, 2017, of the Party Central Committee, involving reorganizing and consolidating certain organizations and directly subordinate units.

General Phan Van Giang works with the Standing Board of the Tien Giang provincial Party Committee. 

Advisory, assisting, and specialized agencies at the provincial and district levels have been merged and newly-established as directed by the Party Central Committee, ensuring tightness and commencing operations from March 1, 2025. These efforts have initially achieved good quality and effectiveness, with no difficulties, obstacles, or inadequacies detected yet.

The thorough understanding and implementation of Directive No.35 of the Politburo regarding party congresses at all levels leading to the 14th National Party Congress, along with Conclusion No.118-KL/TW, dated January 18, 2025, which adjusts and supplements certain contents of Directive No.35, have been ensured to be synchronous, serious, urgent, qualitative, and on schedule from the provincial to grassroots levels. The four provinces have pro-actively grasped and implemented Conclusion No.123-KL/TW, reviewing and developing socio-economic development plans and scenarios to ensure suitability and alignment with reality, employing numerous synchronous solutions with a determination to achieve economic growth of 8% or higher in 2025.

In his conclusion remarks, General Phan Van Giang urged the Standing Boards of the Party Committees of the four provinces to continue thoroughly grasping and seriously and resolutely implementing the viewpoints and guiding directions of the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, and the Secretariat. He recommended that they pro-actively study and propose leadership policies and measures, develop tight and effective implementation plans, and review, amend, adjust, and supplement regulations, functions, tasks, and decentralization provisions to prevent interruptions during implementation. He emphasized the importance of the thorough preparation and successful organization of Party Congresses at all levels. This includes preparing concise congress documents that specify objectives, tasks, solutions, and breakthrough stages tailored to each province’s characteristics, as well as effectively managing personnel preparation by selecting cadres who meet the required standards and implementing policies to attract and utilize talents to address tasks in the new context.

At the same time, General Phan Van Giang called for linking the implementation of breakthrough solutions to promote scientific-technological development, innovation, and digital transformation with the streamlining of the apparatus and socio-economic development. Furthermore, he stressed the need to continue identifying leadership policies and measures to develop plans and resources, address difficulties and obstacles within these provinces’ scope, and prioritize resources for sectors and fields that align with each province’s development potential and strengths.

The Head of the inspection team also urged the localities to pro-actively review projects facing difficulties and obstacles, handle them within their authority or promptly propose solutions to competent authorities for resolution, and direct the development and implementation of asset handling plans during the rearrangement of administrative units, agencies, and organizational streamlining. This is to prevent asset loss or waste, remove bottlenecks, and unlock resources for development. He underlined the importance of continuing to lead and direct effective cooperation in political education, ideological orientation, and dissemination work to ensure that cadres, party members, and the public have a correct understanding, fostering high consensus in implementing major policies of the Party Central Committee.

Additionally, he asked for prompt action to combat and refute erroneous viewpoints and handle bad, toxic, or reactionary information. He also highlighted the need to develop inspection and supervision programs, assign members of the Standing Boards to monitor specific fields and areas under their responsibility, launch patriotic emulation movements, and promptly identify, commend, and reward party organizations and members who demonstrate creative and effective approaches, while scaling up new models and best practices in implementing the Party Central Committee’s resolutions, directives, and conclusions.

General Phan Van Giang held that, from now until the completion of implementing the policies outlined in Conclusion No.127-KL/TW of the Politburo and the Secretariat, concerning the rearrangement of administrative units and the establishment of a two-level local government model, the workload will be substantial, significantly impacting cadres, party members, the political system, and the people nationwide, particularly in these four provinces. Therefore, he required the Standing Boards of the four provincial Party Committees to heighten their responsibility, focus on leadership and direction, and enhance dissemination and education efforts to achieve high unity and consensus throughout the provinces. He called for tight and urgent implementation with the spirit of “lining up while running,” strictly adhering to the Party’s principles, regulations, and State’s laws, while preventing corruption, negativity, waste, or loss of State assets, and ensuring political security, social order, safety, and the socio-economic development activities of the localities.

On this occasion, General Phan Van Giang, together with members of the Inspection Team No.1924 of the Politburo and the Secretariat, visited and offered flowers and incense at the Memorial House for Heroic Martyrs, the Memorial House for President Ho Chi Minh, and the Victory Monument at the Military Region 9 Command.

Translated by Minh Anh