General Phan Van Giang addresses the event.

The defense minister and deputy head of the permanent board of the steering committee for building a project “Revision of 10 years of the implementation of the resolution on Fatherland protection strategy in the new situation adopted at the eighth session of the 11th Party Central Committee” directed that at a conference to review the resolution realization of the province, held on February 17.

According to a report delivered at the meeting, over the past decade, the provincial Party organization, authorities, troops, and people have gained outstanding achievements in implementing the resolution.

In particular, the strong political system at all levels has been consolidated; the great national unity bloc has been promoted with firmer people’s heart disposition.

An overview of the conference

The province has well combined economic development with defense - security consolidation, effectively carried out big economic projects and programs, gradually and basically completed traffic system. In addition, the local living standards have been raised and local defense - security potential has been strong. Furthermore, due attention has been paid to building strong defensive areas, people’s armed forces and ensuring quality and quantity of recruits.

In his speech, General Phan Van Giang spoke highly of the provincial Party organization’s utmost efforts and attainments.

He asked for the continuity of education and information dissemination among cadres, Party members, people from all walks of life to raise their awareness of Fatherland safeguarding duty in the new situation, of promotion of Party building and rectification, studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality, and style, and solidarity.

General Phan Van Giang (sixth from the left) talks to delegates of the conferences.

The senior official also asked the province to concentrate on strengthening people’s heart disposition, synergy, promoting national pride, patriotism, and consensus on Fatherland protection, and consolidating people’s trust in the Party, State, and socialism. He urged the province to continue to build strong people’s armed forces, deal with contingencies in a timely manner to uphold local stability, well perform diplomacy and international integration activities, and trade promotion affairs, among others.

General Phan Van Giang believed that with its accomplishments over the past ten years, high resolve, responsibility, renovation and solidarity spirit, and wisdom, the local Party organization, authorities, troops, and people will join efforts to overcome all challenges to achieve all set targets, meeting the requirements in building and safeguarding the Fatherland in the new situation.

Translated by Mai Huong