The request was made at a conference held by the provincial Party Committee on February 14 to review 10 years of implementing resolution on Fatherland protection strategy in new situation adopted at the eighth session of the 11th Party Central Committee.

Defense Minster General Phan Van Giang addresses the conference in Bac Kan province.

At the event, General Phan Van Giang, who is a Politburo member and deputy head of the permanent board of the steering committee for building a project reviewing 10 years of implementation of the resolution, and other delegates heard a report on the outcomes of the realization of the resolution.

Particularly, the provincial Party committee, people’s council and committee directed the promotion of synergy of the whole political system and entire people in carrying out the national building and protection missions.

In addition, the leadership capability and combat strength of Party cells, Party cadres and members has been raised step-by-step while the whole people’s defense posture has been strengthened, and political security, social order and safety maintained, contributing to enhancing local defense potential.

An overview of the event

Moreover, improvement has been seen in the local armed forces’ integrated quality, strength, competence, and combat readiness ability. The quality and quantity of regular, self-defense and reserve forces have been ensured and the locality has yearly met the recruitment target.

In his speech, General Phan Van Giang highlighted the importance of the resolution and applauded the effective resolution implementation of the province which is a strategic locality and a safe zone in the defensive posture.

He requested the local party committees and authorities at all levels to concretize programs and plans, continue to realize the resolution, and deal with issues related to defense, security and order to avoid being put in a passive position.

He urged the locality to boost Party building and rectification, building of healthy, strong authorities and political system which operate effectively and efficiently.

Delegates pose for a joint photo on the sideline of the conference.

Other missions that the province should focus on are to build people’s heart disposition, strengthen collective strength, promote patriotism and national pride and the whole people’s high consensus in awareness and action for the cause of national defense and keep a close watch on development of situations.

Furthermore, the province should improve combat coordination among forces in the defensive area, in protecting national security and social order and safety, and in preventing crimes, thus building a strong whole people’s defense posture, the defense chief said.

On the occasion, he presented gifts to the local Party committee, authorities, and people.

The defense minister gives financial support to build 10 houses in Thuan Hung village, Ngan Son district, Bac Kan province.

Earlier, on February 13, Defense Minister General Phan Van Giang and his entourage visited and presented gifts to people in Thuan Hung village, Thuong Quan commune, Ngan Son district, Bac Kan province and gave financial support to build 10 houses in the locality.

Translated by Mai Huong