Based on the Secretary General of National Assembly’s report on the sixth session of the 15th N.A, the General Department of Defense Industry, the standing agency for drafting the law, has closely coordinated with relevant agencies to organize nearly 40 meetings to collect opinions. In late March, at the fifth session of full-time N.A. deputies, most of the delegates unanimously agreed on the contents of the draft law and the establishment of a defense and security industry fund and regulations on defense industry complexes.

Gen. Phan Van Giang speaks at the meeting.
Voters at the event

Speaking at the meeting, the voters unanimously agreed on the importance and necessity of building the Law on Defense and Security Industry, and Industrial Mobilization. They also clarified certain issues regarding the mechanisms and specific policies for the distinctive sectors to serve as the basis for the responsible agency to further supplement and complete the draft law.

On hearing voters’ comments, Defense Minister Phan Van Giang emphasized that defense industry is a specialized sector. He also emphasized the need to perfect the legal system regarding defense industry and industrial mobilization, thus developing defense industry to serve the mission of protecting the Fatherland early and from afar.  

Leaders of Thai Nguyen province and voters speak at the event.

According to Gen. Giang, the draft Law on Defense and Security Industry, and Industrial Mobilization consists of seven chapters and 86 articles related to various fields, including financial resources, state capital management in enterprises, investment, science and technology, organizational systems, industrial mobilization, high-quality human resource development, and policies for experts. It is to institutionalize the Party’s viewpoints, guidelines, and State’s policies on constructing and developing a self-reliant, dual-use, modernized defense and security industry sector to become the spearhead of the national industry, enhance capabilities, utilize and boost the synergy between the defense industry and security sector and civilian industries.

Gen. Giang evaluated that the draft law has introduced numerous new and breakthrough policies tailored to boost the development of the defense and security industry.

Defense Minister Phan Van Giang visits Factory Z131 under the General Department of Defense Industry.
Gen. Phan Van Giang and military N.A. deputies meeting with voters
Defense Minister and delegates present gifts to Factory Z131’s employees.

At the meeting, the defense leader also updated voters on international, regional, and domestic situation; the military’s outstanding achievements in military and defense missions; contents of the parade in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory. He hoped that the local party committees and authorities at all levels and voters of Thai Nguyen province would actively coordinate with and support military units to fulfill their assigned missions and disseminate and implement the law when it takes effect.

The same day, Defense Minister Phan Van Giang handed over 50 gifts to employees of Factory Z131 of the General Department of Defense Industry who were in difficult circumstance. He hoped that the factory’s employees would continue striving and diligently working, helping the factory successfully complete production and business missions. 

Translated by Tran Hoai