General Phan Van Giang and N.A. deputies meeting with voters

During the event, Mrs. Doan Thi Hao, Deputy Chief of the province’s N.A.’s deputy delegation, informed the voters about the results of the delegation’s recent work and several major contents of the 15th N.A.’s sixth session. Accordingly, the session will last for 25 working days and will be divided in two phases, with the first lasting from October 23 to November 16, and the other from November 24 to 29.

Voters put forward a number of issues related the socio-economy, social welfare, ground clearance compensation and resettlement support, education and training, national defense, and search and repatriation for martyrs’ remains, to name but a few.

Addressing the event, General Giang briefed voters on the world and regional situations; national socio-economic development in the first half of the year. Accordingly, the Government has directed ministries, agencies and localities to take drastic measures for socio-economic development and fight corruption and negative phenomena with remarkable results...

In addition, the defense leader also noted the implementation of military and defense tasks over the past time and missions in the coming time, hoping that Thai Nguyen province’s authorities and voters would actively support military units stationed in the province to accomplish their assigned tasks.

General Phan Van Giang talking and presenting gifts to policy beneficiaries in Song Cong

He also affirmed that he would convey recommendations and proposals of voters to the N.A. and Government.

On the occasion, on behalf of the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of National Defense, General Giang presented 100 gifts to policy and needy households in Song Cong city.

Translated by Minh Anh