At the event, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly's Council for Ethnic Minority Affairs Nguyen Lam Thanh briefed voters on the scheduled agenda of the 15th N.A.’s fifth session which is slated to take place from May 22 to June 23. At this session, the N.A. will consider and approve eight draft laws and two draft resolutions; discuss eight other bills, including Land Law (amended); consider reports on additional assessment of the results of implementing the socio-economic development plan and the state budget in 2022 and the implementation of the socio-economic development plan and the state budget in the first months of this year.

Defense Minister General Phan Van Giang speaks at the event.

After that, voters started giving comments on provided contents, especially the Draft Land Law (amended). In particular, they focused on contents related to land use, land compensation, land pricing, selection of investors, and the transfer of land use, among others.

Talking with voters, General Phan Van Giang emphasized the importance of giving comments on the Draft Land Law (amended) since it is directly related to everyone’s rights and interests. He added that this draft law has many contents and issues related to defense and security, especially the construction of battlefields and defensive works.

According to the defense minister, the MND is working with agencies, departments, and sectors to build a number of draft laws, most of which are related to the Draft Land Law, and submit them to the N.A. for approval.

An overview of the meeting

Apart from that, General Phan Van Giang shared information related to the development orientation of the military in the coming time, especially the building of modern defense industry to be autonomous in manufacturing, renovating, and mastering modern weapons and equipment. These contents are directly linked to land use and may affect people’s life. 

Therefore, he expected delegates and voters to share with and create favorable conditions for the military to successfully complete all missions in the new period, especially the building of an elite and modernized military.

He expected local party committees and authorities to pay attention and invest in building stronger defensive projects, prioritize the allocation of land for defense, create favorable conditions for military units to accomplish missions in all circumstances.

General Phan Van Giang and Thai Nguyen leaders hand over gifts to veteran associations of the province.

At the event, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Nguyen Thanh Hai thanked voters for their valuable opinions. He affirmed that the province’s delegation of N.A. deputies will collect their comments and report them to relevant authorities.

On the occasion, General Phan Van Giang handed over the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense’s gifts to veterans in Thai Nguyen province and Veterans’ Associations of nine districts and cities of the province and 100 other gift packages to local policy beneficiaries.

Translated by Tran Hoai