Senior Lieutenant General Vu Hai San chairs the working session.

Reportedly, in 2022, the corporation excellently accomplished both military-defense and production missions. In the first six months of 2023, the corporation and its affiliated units overcame difficulties to take measures to develop economy as planned. Its port throughput reached 4.49 million TEU, accounting for 89.3% in comparison with the same period in 2022, reaching 46.3% of the set plan in 2023. Meanwhile, the market shares of export and import of containers reached 56.4% nationwide, increased by 1.4% over the same period in 2022.

An overview of the event

Concluding the working session, Gen. San hailed the corporation’s efforts in production and business, setting a good example for military enterprises. It also strictly maintained military regulations and discipline and ensured military-defense tasks with absolute safety. He also noted that in the coming time, the Saigon Newport Corporation should further effectively perform its assigned tasks, map out specific plans and grasp the situation while taking full use of all resources to raise its competitiveness in the region and the world. It should also focus on personnel and training work, boost coordination with localities, and ensure policy work in the areas where they are stationed.

* On the same day, Deputy Chief of the General Staff (GS) of the Vietnam People’s Army Lieutenant General Nguyen Doan Anh, visited and inspected combat readiness work of the Ninh Binh provincial Military and Border Guard Commands.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Doan Anh visits the Ninh Binh provincial Military Command.

On the occasion, the GS leader highly appreciated the units’ activeness in implementing training and combat readiness work and their achievements in military-defense tasks over the past time. He also asked them to regularly grasp local situations related to their tasks, attach much importance to mapping out plans and organizing training and exercises to raise combat readiness quality. In addition, the units should also make recommendations to the local authorities to improve the quality of military and defense work, ensure safety for important events of the country, and equip troops with knowledge in order to master weapons and equipment.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Doan Anh addressing the meeting

Gen. Anh also noted that the inspected unit should focus on prevention and control of natural disasters, boost education work among troops while taking care of their lives, to name but a few.

* Addressing a working session with the GS’s Department of Search and Rescue, GS’s Deputy Chief Major General Pham Truong Son spoke highly of the unit’s task performance over the past time.

GS’s Deputy Chief Major General Pham Truong Son speaking at the working session with the Department of Search and Rescue

In response to natural disasters and implement search and rescue tasks, the unit was urged to build plans, ensure on-duty forces and vehicles, grasp situations so as to be active in any circumstances.

* On the same day, Gen. Son also visited the National Training Center on Aviation Search and Rescue under the Air Defense - Air Force Service.

He took the occasion to applaud the unit’s achievements in education and training for its troops with absolute safety while raising their competence in response to search and rescue circumstances.

Gen. Son working with the National Training Center on Aviation Search and Rescue

He also asked them to continue to ensure training task while raising its troops’ ability and organizing training in line with reality.

Translated by Minh Anh