Reportedly, due to the complicated developments of the pandemic in the locality, the provincial military command has set up facilities and received 1,562 Vietnamese citizens returning home from abroad and taken them to the concentrated quarantine area at the People’s Public Security University.

At the event

They mobilized 4,659 troops to conduct missions at eight field hospitals, 63 isolated zones, and 976 pandemic checkpoints. Additionally, they collaborated with chemical units to spray disinfectants on an area of 925.5 hectares in five localities.

Speaking at the inspection, Sr. Lt. Gen. Vo Minh Luong highly valued the role of the provincial armed forces, and asked them to continue preparing the militia force as required, building a map of pandemic-hit areas, and tightening the implementation of the Government's Directive No.16 to prevent the pandemic from spreading in the community. He noted that the local units should provide more support for the pandemic-hit people while promptly rewarding troops successfully completing their missions.

Translated by Trung Thanh