Leaders of the Ministries of National Defense and Public Security checked contents related to the Party and State’s award etiquette and blocs in the parade. Earlier, the two ministries were assigned to organizing the parade at the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory which is slated for May 7. During weeks of hard training, forces have tried to master their individual and group movements to resurrect the glorious spirit of the historic Dien Bien Phu Victory and demonstrate the indomitable spirit and unbeatable strength of the national unity bloc, patriotism, self-reliance, and the development of the revolutionary armed forces.

Gen. Phan Van Giang speaks at the event.

Speaking after the joint training, Defense Minister General Phan Van Giang lauded the steering committee for organizing the celebration and the sub-committee for parade for carefully selecting participating forces and training management staff and instructors. He also praised agencies and units for their good implementation of education work to help their troops be fully aware of the significance and historical values the Dien Bien Phu Victory and their honor and great responsibility of joining the parade.  

Delegates observe the joint training.

The defense minister congratulated participating forces on their initial outcomes in training and asked them to show their highest sense of responsibility in training, strictly observe regulations, and actively train to master their movements. He requested management officials and instructors to well observe the training, thus having suitable methods to enhance the quality of training and rehearsal.

Leaders of the Ministries of the National Defense and Public Security hand over gifts to participating forces.

Gen. Giang also emphasized the need to make accurate and objective evaluation of performance of each person and reward the outstanding ones. The sub-committee for the parade should closely work with ministries, sectors, and localities to make thorough preparations for the joint rehearsal and ensure absolute safety of personnel, weapons and equipment.  

Leaders of Ministries of National Defense and Public Security encourage forces.

The same day, Chief of the General Staff and Deputy Defense Minister Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong chaired a conference to draw lessons from the joint training, during which he urged agencies and units to continue to enhance education to raise forces’ awareness of the historical values of the Dien Bien Phu Victory, carefully select personnel, and pay attention to lineup regulation training.

The Chief of the General Staff requested the General Departments of Logistics, Technical Services, and Defense Industry to ensure adequate weapons, equipment, vehicles, and uniforms for participating forces and pay attention to taking care of their health.

Participating forces at the event

Participating troops should enhance their sense of responsibility and pro-actively overcome difficulties in training and strictly observe military discipline and regulations.

Translated by Tran Hoai