According to a report delivered at the conference, in 2023, the Ministry of National Defense (MND) successfully organized planned exercises and unscheduled ones with a short time of preparations. Units in the whole military proactively held exercises in accordance with the instruction on military and defense work of the Chief of the General Staff. The methods of organization, direction, and operation of exercises have seen improvement and combined the use of modern equipment and information technology. Through exercises, units have gradually improved the command and staff capability and collaboration skills of commanding officers at all levels in combat preparation and operation.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Huynh Chien Thang speaks at event.
An overview of the event

In his concluding remarks, Sr. Lt. Gen. Huynh Chien Thang required agencies and units to effectively implement key solutions in directing and operating exercises in 2024 and the following years while focusing on adjusting content and methods of direction and the practice of exercises, and building a suitable plan for exercises with closely linked to each area.

In addition, agencies and units should pay attention to organizing refresher courses for their troops, focusing on new contents to make exercises plentiful and close to reality. Commanding officers at all levels should actively study and closely grasp the content and methods of exercises, meeting the task requirement of organization, forces and technical vehicles while promoting applying digital technology, information technology, and simulation technology to exercises. In performing exercise tasks, agencies and units should eliminate subjective thoughts and required participating forces to closely collaborate to improve their capability and be ready for any circumstances.

Translated by Song Anh