Reporter: What is the significance of Vietnam’s participation in this exercise?

Rear Admiral Nguyen Viet Khanh: Terrorists no longer operate individually or spontaneously. They have developed into transnational criminal organizations which are larger in scale and scope and more dangerous, becoming a threat to the region and the world. Therefore, terrorism prevention and combat require the cooperation between countries with military forces as the core. The Vietnam People's Army participated in this exercise to both exchange experience and to pro-actively prepare plans, be ready to handle all situations, and avoid to be put in passive situations.

Rear Admiral Nguyen Viet Khanh speaking at the opening of the “Peace and Friendship - 2023” joint exercise

Reporter: What are the outcomes, Rear Admiral?

Rear Admiral Nguyen Viet Khanh: Although the exercise was organized for the first time, the event succeeded, meeting all set requirements thanks to the host China’s thorough preparation and responsible participation of countries. The event demonstrated the solidarity among participating countries and their support to each other in preventing and combating terrorists. 

After the exercise, each country would draw valuable lessons learned in organizing and preparing their terrorism prevention and combat plans and supporting other countries in response to circumstances. 

Reporter: Could you elaborate on the contribution of the Vietnam People’s Army to the exercise?

Rear Admiral Nguyen Viet Khanh: The Vietnamese force participated in all contents in the exercise. Notably, the Vietnamese naval officials joined the joint command team; built command and communications plans for piracy prevention and combat missions; participated in ship control simulation training, anti-piracy; giving first aid to wounded soldiers, anchorage area guarding, and such sidelines activities as cultural and sports exchanges and cuisine events.    

It can be said that the delegation of the Vietnam People's Army in general and the Vietnam People's Navy in particular contributed significantly to the success of the exercise, leaving a good impression and image on the host country China as well as other participating countries and further affirming Vietnam's pro-activeness, activeness, and responsibility in regional and international issues.

Reporter: What cooperation opportunities does the "Peace and Friendship - 2023" joint exercise open up to the participating militaries?

Rear Admiral Nguyen Viet Khanh: The "Peace and Friendship - 2023" joint exercise offered an opportunity for participating militaries to learn and exchange experience in preventing and combat terrorists; strengthen cooperation; enhance mutual understanding and trust. Through the exercise, we have more experience in conducting external defense relations activities and multilateral and bilateral events, toward deeply joining activities for peace, friendship, natural disaster response, piracy prevention, and humanitarian relief with other countries in the region and the world. 

Reporter: Thank you very much!

Translated by Tran Hoai